Monday 16 September 2013

Unit 1 Inventory Task -

Record and evaluate 3 types of inventory from different games. Try to ensure the games are of different genres and inventory types if possible.

1. What type of inventory is it? ( Using styles from presentation)

Styles from presentation -

- Weight based (carry only limited weight)
- Limited and unlimited inventories
- "Utility belt" inventories (e.g Half Life) brings up a menu without disturbing the action
- Shaped inventory (Deus Ex Human Revolution)
- Menu bar inventory (most common) user brings up a new screen to access it

2. How does the user interact with the inventory? (e.g controls)

3. What is controlled within? (items or player attributes)

4. How is the interface accessed by the player from the game screen?

5. Does the inventory suit the gameplay?

6. What do you think of the inventory and why?

7. How may this influence your own design?

An inventory is a group of items that can be used by the player in a game, they can range from things to increase health, to weapons, or even something to enhance your abilities.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Inventory -

The type of inventory in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days is Shaped Inventory. The user interacts with the inventory by selecting the "panel" and then choosing a place for it in the inventory area, equipping more than one will increase the amount you have, you can also link different items together to increase your stats. Controlled within the inventory are the items and abilities or the player, but debating on how you place the "panels" affects how the player is as well. In order for the player to access the interface, before you start a mission you can press the start button and then selecting Panels it will then bring up the inventory screen. I believe the inventory suits the gameplay as it allows you to customise your player to suit the mission at hand also I think the inventory is great and has a good setup, I think this because the inventory is like a puzzle itself within the game allowing you to have infinite different combinations to customise the gameplay. It may influence my design by giving me the idea of a sort of puzzle within the game that doesn't take away from the main game but adds to it as well.

Metro 2033 Inventory -

The type of inventory in Metro 2033 is the "Utility Belt" Inventory. In Metro 2033 the user interacts with the inventory screen on xbox by using the left and right on the D-Pad to switch between guns, a knife, throwing knives and grenades and pressing Y would use a med kit. Controlled within the inventory are the items that can be used in the game. The interface appears on screen whilst the player is still roaming the world. The inventory does suit the gameplay as you need it to aid survival in the game. I think the inventory is good as is a simple layout and easy to understand, the simplicity of the inventory and the way you don't need to stop what your doing in order to use it might influence my design.

The Last Of Us -

 Joel crafting
A Picture of Joel in the crafting menu.

The type of inventory in The Last Of Us is Limited Inventory. The user interacts with the inventory by selecting what you wish to craft and then holding the X button to craft it, provided you have the necessary items required to craft it. On the weapon menu you can press left and right to swap between the weapons you have selected, or you can press and hold the X button and then choose a different weapon in your inventory to swap onto the main set of weapons to use. Controlled within the inventory are the items that can be used in game to aid you as well as items, weapons are controlled within the inventory but under a seperate menu. The weapon interface is accessed simply by pressing left or right on the controller, to access the backpack screen you need to press the select button on the controller. The inventory suits the game, as it doesn't look all fancy and nice but instead a bit gloomy to match the atmosphere of the game. I think the idea for this style of inventory is great as it gives the feel of the atmosphere of the game to keep you immersed.  It may influence my design by the layout of the inventory, it makes it simple to understand.

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